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Eiji Mizutani



Eiji Mizutani (水谷英二)



Associate Professor








Ph.D. in Computer Science, National Tsing-Hua University, Taiwan.

M.S. in Mechanical Engineering, and Industrial Engineering & Operations Research, both at the University of California, Berkeley, CA, USA.

Industrial Experience:

Kansai Paint Co.,Ltd, Osaka, JAPAN (for 7 years) on scheduling systems for paint production and computerized color receipe prediction

Sony Electronics Inc., San Jose, California, USA (for 2.5 years) on color device characterization.


Dynamic Programming, Scheduling Theory, Markov Decision Processes, Probability Models, Nonlinear Optimization


Dynamic Programming, Numerical Linear Algebra, Trust-region Nonlinear Optimization Methods, Machine Learning Algorithms

Professional Experience in Industry:

System Engineer, Information Systems Department, Kansai Paint Co.,Ltd, Osaka, JAPAN.

Research Engineer, Sony US Research Lab., Sony Electronics Inc., San Jose, CA, USA.

Research Interests:

Dynamic programming; numerical linear algebra; trust-region nonlinear optimization methods; machine learning algorithms; e.g., artificial neural network nonlinear least squares learning.

On-going Research Project:

Joint research with Stuart Dreyfus (Professor Emeritus, UC Berkeley) on dynamic programming and optimal control  partially supported by National Science Council (NSC), Taiwan.

Honors & Awards:

Sony Research Forum 2000 outstanding paper award.

Visiting Industrial Fellowship (to ME Dept., UC Berkeley), Kansai Paint Co.,Ltd.

Outstanding paper award IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management, 2013.


Nonlinear numerical optimization Lab (MA011-1)

Selected Publication List

2016/08/11 update