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Lue, Ren-Guang



Lue, Ren-Guang (呂仁廣)
Project Assistant Professor


MA 125




+886-2-2733-3141 #5537


Ph.D. in Graduate Institute Industrial Economics, National Central University 

M.S. in Department of Economics, National Chi Nan University

B.S. in Department of Business Administration, National Central University


Economics, Accounting, Financial Management


Econometric Analysis, Game Theory, Financial Economics, Industrial Organization Theory, Machine Learning, Application of Deep Learning to Financial Big Data
Professional Experience

Assistant Professor, Department of Information Management, Hwa Hsia University of Technology.

Assistant Professor, Department of Information Management, Hwa Hsia Institute of Technology.

Adjunct Assistant Professor, School of Management, National Taiwan University of Science and Technology.

Adjunct Lecturer, Department of Economics, National Central University.
Research Projects

1."Design of Reality Games in VR and AR: Utilizing AI Image Recognition for Indoor Localization of Characters in Enhanced VR Game Environment.",2021

2."Heterogeneity Analysis of Firms in the Information Industry.",2013

3."Industry Structure, Behavior, and Performance in the Information Industry.",2012
Honors & Awards  
Research Outcomes  

2023/08/01 update