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EMBA program



pThe EMBA Program, offered by the Department of Industrial Management (DIM) of the Taiwan Tech School of Management, is a degree program for working professionals who wish to upgrade their knowledge and practical skills in the field of industrial management. With a study period of one to four years – allowing for a two-year extension – and a flexible curriculum structure, our program can be customized to individual career plans and aligned with students’ personal and work lives.
The EMBA Program provides an advanced business education in the field of industrial management, where students can choose courses from four concentrations, i.e. Production Systems, Operation Research, Human Factor/Ergonomic, and Information Technology. In their electives, students have acces to a wide range of courses offered by the School of Management, and other Taiwan Tech departments.
The entry requirement for the EMBA program is a bachelor’s degree (or equivalent)  from a recognized institution of higher education and working experience (please refer to the Chinese version for details). As the language of instruction of our EMBA program is mainly Chinese, proficiency in both English and Mandarin will be necessary.   
The EMBA program of the School of Management was established in the year 2000, and has since produced more than 600 graduates many of whom have had successful careers in Taiwan industries. Access to the EMBA Alumni Association will help students build their professional networks and careers in Taiwan and overseas.


Credit requirements

Master's Program  in Industrial Management 
Credit requirements

Required Courses 
Basic Core Courses  6
Master's Thesis  0
Academic Research Ethics 0
Case Study  3
Research Techniques 3
Elective Core Courses offered by DIM 15
Free electives  18
Total 45

The EMBA program in Industrial Management requires 45 credits towards graduation:
1) 6 credits (2 courses) from basic core courses offered by the DIM
2) 15 credits from elective core courses offered by the DIM

3) 18 credits from free electives
4) A course on Research Techniques (3 credits)

5) A course on Case Studies (3 credits)

Further requirements for graduation
a) Three prerequisite courses (6 credits) which are not included in the 45 credit requirement.
b) A written Master’s Thesis (0 credits)

c) Seminar Academic Research Ethics (0 credits) 


At the School of Management, each course is normally worth 3 credits and meets 3 hours per week over 18 weeks (one semester).


Tuition Fee
Please refer to the EMBA Tuition Fee Information for the current fee structure (in Chinese only). In 2023, the basic tuition fee is NTD 99.000 per semester, plus a miscellaneous fee of around NTD 15.000. One credit costs 11.000 NTD. For a maximum of 9 -12 transferred credits (see below on credit trasnfer), the tuition fee may be waived. Application for credit transfer and fee deduction can only be submitted once, in the first semester after enrollment. 

Program Structure

Prerequisites: The DIM EMBA program invites applicants with an undergraduate degree or above in any discipline. However, basic knowledge in business/economics is deemed necessary for the successful completion of the program. Thus, all EMBA students are required to take

 a) course titled Economics or equivalent  (2 credits)
 b) course titled Accounting or equivalent  (2 credits)  
 c) course titled Statistics
  or equivalent  (2 credits) 

Students who can prove to have taken courses a) - c) in  previous degree study programs, may apply for credit transfer. Please note that the 6 credits of prerequisite courses do not count into the 45 credits that are required for graduation from the EMBA program.

Research Techniques/Case Studies: EMBA- students have to take at least one of the following courses (3 credits) to familiarize themselves with state-of-the art research techniques in the field of business studies: 

  • Case Analysis and Writing (3 credits)
  • Research Methods (3 credits)
  • Qualitative Research Methods (3 credits)
  • Statistical Data Analysis and Application (3 credits)

Furthermore, EMBA students need to pass at least one course on Case Studies (3 credits) offered by the SOM. The selection of the course has to be approved by the EMBA office.
Basic Core Courses: These are courses, offered by the DIM, which are considered as fundamental in the field of Industrial Management. EMBA students have to complete at least two of the following courses:

  • Production and Operations Management (3 credits)
  • Marketing Management (3 credits)
  • Organization and Management (3 credits)
  • Management and Information System (3 credits)
  • Financial Management (3 credits)
  • Case Analysis and Writing (3 credits)

Elective Core Courses: EMBA students have to choose five of the following courses offered by the  DIM:

  • Quality Management and Case Study
  • Service Experience and Management
  • Innovation and Business Process Re-engineering
  • Managerial Psychology and Human Factors Design
  • Total Quality Management
  • Lean Production and Management
  •  Intelligent Electronic Business Management
  • Global Logistics Management and Headquarter Planning
  • Project Management

Free Elective courses: The remaining 18 credits (6 courses) can be earned through graduate-level elective courses offered by any other department or graduate institute of the School of Management, or other colleges of Taiwan Tech. 
Overseas Study or Practice: EMBA students have the chance to take courses abroad, i.e. Overseas Business Studies (海外企業研習) or Overseas Business Practices (海外企業經營實務) for which a maximum of 6 credits may be granted. 

Academic Research Ethics Seminar

As a requirement by the Taiwan Ministry of Education, all graduate students enrolled at universities in Taiwan have to complete seminars in Academic Research Ethics (ARE) which usually consist of three teaching units, where the first two units are lectures, while the last unit is a test. All Taiwan Tech graduate students are required to attend at least one research ethics seminar before the end of the first year of studies, and to pass the ARE-exam. 

ARE seminars are not credit-bearing, but will appear in academic transcripts as PASSED with a passing grade of 70%. A successfully completed ARE seminar is a requirement for taking the degree examination of the MBA program.
Every semester, the Taiwan Tech Centre of General Education offers eight or more ARE seminars which are taught by experienced instructors focusing on different aspects of academic research ethics. The schedule and topics of ARE seminars will be announced here.

Credit Transfer

For detailed information, please refer to the regulations for credit transfer for the EMBA program of  the School of Management (in Chinese only). EMBA students may transfer a maximum of 12 credits from previous degree studies at Taiwan Tech. The transfer of credits earned at graduate schools of other universities is limited to a maximum of 6 credits. Application for credit transfer and fee deduction can only be submitted once, in the first semester after enrollment. 

Choosing an Advisor 

The Master's thesis is an important part of the EMBA program and a requirement for graduation, although no credits are awarded for the thesis.
Choosing an advisor/ a topic: The advisor will guide the student on course selection, research, and thesis writing. EMBA students have to choose a thesis advisor before the end of the first semester after admission.
Students are free to choose the topic of their thesis, but they need to get approval from their advisor at an initial stage of the thesis-writing process. Starting from the spring term 2023, all graduate students are required to submit a "Postgraduate Thesis and Academic Discipline Conformity Verification" ( link) in the early stages of the writing process
, i.e. usually at the end of their 3rd semester (latest by the end of the add-and-drop -period of the 4th semester). By signing this form, the advisor confirms that the topic and content of the student's thesis is aligned with the DIM's field of expertise.
he advisor has
to be a full-time member of the DIM faculty. If required by the topic, students can choose co-advisor who may be a full time or adjunct member of the DIM faculty, or another Taiwan Tech department or from another academic institution. However, co-advisors may not be from the industry or other non-academic institutions according to DIM regulationsStudents can request to change the thesis advisor, but need to get he consent of both, the current thesis advisor and the new advisor. After receiving their appoval, an application form has to be submitted to the DIM office. Likewise, the advisor may terminate the supervision of a student. In that case, the DIM office should be informed as soon as possible and the student will be be assisted in finding a new advisor.      

Defense  and Graduation

Master’s Degree Thesis Oral Examination ("Defense"): A 
first draft of the thesis has to be completed and submitted to the advisor within the designated period of studies. If all other credit requirements are fulfilled (cf. Form List of Completed Courses for Master Program), students can apply for the Master’s Degree Thesis Oral Examination where they have to defend their thesis to a panel of experts. The defense can only be held during the emester, the time period is indicated in the the NTUST Academic Calendar. The application for the defense has to be submitted to the DIM office two months (summer term) or one month (winter term) before the beginning of the examination period. The DIM requires students to hand in a a positive Similarity Report (less than 20% in content, excluding references, appendixes, surveys etc.) of the Plagiarism Detection Checker software Turnitin which is provided by the NTUST library

After a successful defense, students will have to revise their thesis according to the feedback given by the committee members. As a rule, all NTUST postgraduate thesis have to be published. Under special circumstances (such as pending patent applications or publications), the student can apply for a delay of publication (“Embargo of Thesis/Dissertation”) with the NTUST Library. The application, including supporting documents, needs to be approved by the thesis advisor.
All  procedures, beginning with the registration for the defense, to the invitation of committee members, to the submission of the printed and digital copies, and the final school leaving process, are explained in detail in the information sheet Master’s Degree Thesis Oral Examination. Please read it carefully!
: Information  Sheet  Master’s Degree Thesis Oral Examination.
NTUST regulations EMBA program (in Chinese only) 

Last update: 23 March 2023